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Great Deal of Vtech - Touch and Teach Turtle

Vtech - Touch and Teach Turtle most popular product by VTech with excellent quality and reasonable price. You do not miss our exclusive price for Vtech - Touch and Teach Turtle. Spend more? Why? Check the incredible price below, free and fast shipping!

Vtech - Touch and Teach Turtle

Vtech - Touch and Teach Turtle

Feature of Vtech - Touch and Teach Turtle

  • Features a 16-page book for learning letters and shapes
  • Colorful light-up buttons interact with the book
  • Eight number buttons teach numbers and music
  • Includes a handle for on-the-go learning
  • Features three modes of play, Letter Mode, Story Mode and Music Mode

Vtech - Touch and Teach Turtle Overview :

80-079800 Features: -Features a 16-page book for learning letters and shapes. -Colorful light-up buttons interact with the book. -Eight number buttons teach numbers and music. -Includes a handle for on-the-go learning. -Features three modes of play, Letter Mode, Story Mode and Music Mode. -Use for 12-36 months age.
Vtech - Touch and Teach Turtle Free Shipping

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